How She Healed a 39-Year-Old Injury Through Visualization

This is a very beautiful story of how a woman used her imagination to revise an accident that happened to her as a child, healing an injury that had plagued her for thirty-nine years.

If you have anything bad that happened to you in the past, use this story as inspiration to change it. And remember, “the ‘made’ past can also be ‘unmade’ through revision.”

For thirty-nine years, I had suffered from a weak back. The pain would increase and decrease but would never leave completely. The condition had progressed to the point where I used medical treatment almost constantly; the doctor would put the hip right for the moment, but the pain simply would not go away. One night, I heard you speak of revision and wondered to myself if a condition of almost forty years could be revised.

I had remembered that at the age of three or four years, I had fallen backward from a very high swing and had been quite ill at that time because of a serious hip injury. From that time on, I had never been completely free from pain and had paid many a dollar to alleviate the condition, to no avail.

This year, during the month of August, the pain had become more intense, and one night I decided to test myself and attempt to revise that ‘ancient’ accident which had been the cause of so much distress in pain and costly medical fees for most of my adult life. Many nights passed before I could ‘feel’ myself back to the age of childhood play. But I succeeded.

One night, I actually ‘felt’ myself on that swing, feeling the rush of wind as the swing rose higher and higher. As the swing slowed down, I jumped forward, landing solidly and easily on my feet. In the imaginal action, I ran to my mother and insisted that she come watch what I could do. I did it again, jumping down from the swing and landing safely on my two feet. I repeated this imaginal act over and over until I fell asleep in the doing of it.

Within two days, the pain in my back and hip began to recede, and within two months, pain no longer existed for me. A condition that had plagued me for more than thirty-nine years, that had cost a small fortune in attempted cure, was no more.

— L.H.

Story from the book The Law And The Promise

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